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Compulsory work experience is the way to go

A new education survey highlights what we’ve all been thinking here at Nicholas Associates: work experience for kids under 16 should be made a national priority.

Findings of the Business and Education Survey state that 82% of business leaders and 73% of respondents from schools, colleges and universities agreed with us: secondary school-age kids should be offered work experience.

Published in a piece by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) earlier this week, the research confirmed that compulsory work experience across the UK and in England, in particular, had been deprioritised. But while 79% employers believe that non-paid on-the-job experience is vital in equipping young people with workplace skills, a third of businesses don’t offer it as standard.

The piece suggests that businesses should be doing more to prioritise the delivery of work experience, with only 50% of firms identifying it as a top priority activity for young people. Of course, there’s no single ideal work experience model, with companies that do offer it valuing a variety of forms.

Here at Nicholas Associates, our All Together placement management software remains a success. Our flagship product, it’s an easy-to-use online system available 24/7 and offering users accurate, consistent information about work placements.

With over a quarter of a million employees signed up to the system – as well as 4,200 schools and over 1.2 million students – it’s helped manage in excess of 500,000 work placements in the last year alone. Used by clients across the UK, including education and business partnerships, it’s helped in our continued mission to support work experience programmes throughout the country.

Commenting on the results of the education survey, John Longworth, the Director General of the BCC very much takes our stance here at Nicholas Associates. He said: “The Government must act to bring compulsory work experience for under 16s back in England. Devolved administrations must ensure that it is available to all in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We pledge to work with governments in all four nations to ensure that more and more businesses then engage with schools, offer work placements to young people, and help the next generation get the start that they deserve.”

James Waring, Nicholas Associates’ Head of Software, added: “We’ve worked with education business partnerships, schools and colleagues for well over 15 years and we’ve witnessed the impact of these changes. Work experience no longer being compulsory has led to a lack of consistency and varying degrees of commitment across the school network. Compulsory work experience guarantees every young person the chance to gain experience in the world of work, which can help them make more informed career choice and improve their employability skills. We should be helping the next generation of workers and for us compulsory work experience is definitely the way to go.”

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